My name is Jes.

I am a full-stack web developer.

I started my web development journey back in 2011 after being inspired by the creations of popular YouTube video channels at the time, alongside my father's notice. He himself being a software architect specializing in the C++ programming language.

I quickly took an interest to CSS, the technology that builds the internet visually. Since its introduction to me; it rose to be my absolute favorite. I have since spent my years of experience studying and specializing in it. And have even developed my own design ideology harmonious to the craft. If I can visualize it, I can build it.

During my years of learning and labour, I have seen the industry shift from technology to technology. In that ever-growing madness, I have come to appreciate simplicity. The importance of having a strong grasp of fundamentals cannot be understated. It allows one to quickly adapt to new and unknown challenges congruent to their existing skills. In this case, the trio of programming languages comprising the web: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Running into mid 2023, in pursuit of mine own betterment; I decided to further my education in that of Devmountain. Beside a cohort of fellow learners and developers, I mastered the art and gained confidence and invaluable insight into the profession.

In the now present, I spend my time learning more. Always ready and able to overcome any new challenges pertaining to web development.